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Meet Treasure Mmesoma Ugwuanyi the youngest published author in West Africa

This is Treasure Mmesoma Ugwuanyi. A 5yrs old girl from Enugu, Nigeria.   She is also a hygiene activist. Her first book 'Three Smelly ...

Saturday 16 May 2020

Spooky Saturday...

Warning: Rememer to be perfectly tucked under your duvet before reading this.

 My friend Aaron is a completely normal guy, and I’ve worked with him in the engineering realm for a bit.He’s definitely a smart guy, and doesn’t have a screw loose, so to hear this story was crazy. It’s still left me thinking about things like the supernatural until today.

He moved into this house in Portland Oregon, and it was always a little off. When he first moved in he heard some creaks and stuff, but it was mostly just old house noises. Then sometimes he could swear he heard footsteps, or doors creaking open or closed. The most peculiar thing about the house was that even with all the shades drawn up and letting the sun in, the house was always dark it seemed.

As some of the noises increased in frequency, so did some strange things. He asked his roommates about the noises and they all had agreed that they had heard peculiar things around the house too. In particularly the basement.

The basement had some stairs leading down and from what he described there were two rooms. The main room with the stairs in it, then another room attached that had an extra door in it on the opposite corner of the first door. He was a drummer and had his drums set up in the main basement room to practice drums.

The first of the strange things to happen would be in his bedroom. He saw smoke like stuff coming from under the door and it started moving up towards the upper corner by his door. He thought the house was on fire as the smoke like stuff began to cluster in the corner so he opened the door and was gonna bail, but when he opened it and looked into the hallway, the hallway was totally fine. No smoke, no fire, then he looked back into the corner and all the clustered smoke had vanished.

After that, some time later, he was in the bathroom taking a piss, and he heard the door open. Without looking behind him he says “hey hang on a minute I’m almost done” But the door didn’t shut so he finished up and turned around to one of the most frightening things he’d ever seen. Clearly in front of him was an apparition of a young girl in a plaid dress, and he looked up and up and when he got to her face starting from her feet, there was nothing there and he could clearly see through her. Just a blank face. He was so scared he said he didn’t even remember putting his pecker back in his pants, he just shut his eyes and ran to the door (that he thought was open) through the ghost but then he ran straight into it, because apparently it was closed! Frantically he opened the door without really opening his eyes and scrambled to his bed and he said he dove in like a little kid and held the sheets over his head until he went to sleep, terrified.

The craziest thing of all that happened is what’s next. In the basement where he practiced drums, he could swear that in the doorway to that extra room, he would see someone walk by the door. From one side to the other. It would happen rarely but one time he decided to go into the room. (I’m seriously getting shivers in my spine writing this.)

That extra door was on the opposite corner, and he thought it was peculiar that there was door there, and that it should lead to the outside, but he knew it didn’t because there was no other way into the basement. He walked over to the extra door and opened it and he said that it gave him the most sinking feeling in his stomach looking into what was behind the door. There was a stairway that had been cemented off, but in one of the most creepy ways possible. He didn’t get into details but he basically said “I shut the door and never opened it again because of the terrible feeling I had when I opened it”

Now being a drummer, he had met all kinds of people in his travels because he had toured the nation. One time he was talking to a man he had met about his house and these strange happenings, and the man looked at him as serious as a heart attack and said “I can help you with this house and these happenings.”

My friend was skeptical because he doesn’t really believe in these kinds of things but he accepted the offer saying “well why not, the worst that could happen is nothing.”

The man met him at his house and brought with him a most peculiar bell. My friend described it as having the most piercing sound he’d ever heard and the man entered the house ringing it, and was mumbling something under his breath as he moved through the house. Eventually he asked my friend where the most activity happens, and my friend told him the basement.

The man goes into the basement and instantly went into the extra room. He asked my friend, “This door, does this door have something.”

My friend was amazed at this man for pointing out, because my friend had said nothing about anything specific in the basement. My friend told him yes, and how he had opened it only once because it was terrifying.

The man then proceeded to open the door and instantly fell to his knees shrieking and ringing the bell furiously. My friend was totally freaked out and didn’t know what to do and before he knew it the man jumped up and ran up the stairs screaming and out the front door. My friend quickly followed him and met him on the sidewalk.

My friend said “What was that all about” and the man looked at him and said “Whatever was in your house, I just chased it out.” My friend was bewildered, then the man handed him an octagon shaped pendant and told him to put it above his door, explaining that it will protect him as long as it’s on the door.

My friend said thank you as politely as he could because he was still skeptical and trying to figure out exactly what all had happened but he put the pendant above his door.

No joke, from that day on, all the strange noises, footsteps, doors creaking, stopped. The darkness that always seemed to loom inside the house even with the windows open, vanished.

I FINALLY Got in touch with Aaron (whose story this is) and this is his reply:

As the Aaron in the story, I can tell you it is 100% true. The woman wore a plaid dress, big white squares with thick, brown, cross-hatches around the white squares. She had no shoes on and I could see the faintest outline of the open door behind her. I assumed it was my roomate Daphna. When I looked up at her face, nestled between her shoulder length blonde hair, her face was nothing more than smoke. It was like someone was smoking a cigarette, but no cigarette, no face… only smoke moving in the faintest breeze.

When I ran through her, it was if I had jumped into a frozen pond. i can still feel that cold to this day.

As for the octagon that my friend placed above the door, it was a yellow octagon made from a piece of wood. On it, there were three, black, horizontal lines on the side closest to the top. It also had an octagon shaped mirror in the center of it.

Months afterwards, while still living in the house, I had a dream that felt so real… unlike any other dream I’ve had before. I was asleep in bed and a man in a suit woke me. It was a black suit and he was wearing a fashionable hat like men would wear in the 40’s. I awoke (in the dream) to the man shaking me. I gasped, startled by the foreign figure in my bedroom and looked at the man with no face. He leaned in close enough to feel his cold breath. As he leaned in, he whispered to me, “it’s all been reset.” As he said it, it was if those words caused him to drift away in white smoke. everything. his clothes, his hat, his entire body.

I awoke in a panic. I’m not sure what it meant, but after that moment, when I could feel his cold breath on me… my life became instantly better. It was some strange turning point in my life.

I’m not sure if the octagon is still on that door, but for the sake of those that may live there, I hope to god that it is.

Do you have a real spooky story you would like to share? Please donot hesitate to do that.Cheers!

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