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This is Treasure Mmesoma Ugwuanyi. A 5yrs old girl from Enugu, Nigeria.   She is also a hygiene activist. Her first book 'Three Smelly ...

Monday 4 December 2017

Still on Libya: Nigerian youths dramatically protest against slavery I Libya

A group of youths gathered at the unity fountain for a silent dramatic protest against slavery in Libya and to commemorate the United Nation International day for the Abolition of Slavery.

 The demonstration was directed towards the Libyan Government to abolish such act and bring to justice those involved, and also plead with the Nigerian Government to bring back over 400,000 Nigerians still in Libya. The convener of the Demonstration Mr. Bright Jaja, a very passionate and patriotic Nigerian said to the reporter- it is disheartening, sad and disgusting that at this time and age Slavery still exists. 

When I got an information earlier today that Nigerians are part of the slave masters, Selling their own brothers and sister for a piece of change, I was heartbroken, common where is the love, where is humanity. We must all rise against this, we must unite and demand that our brothers and sisters are brought back home, No One is Free until we are all free.

Some called them lazy and greedy for running away to find greener pastures and a better life abroad, but I call them brave and hard working. We are in a country that has abandoned and neglected its youths, they have been considered as statistics. They’ve struggle all their lives to survive and for survival people will go to the ends of the world. Tell me, if the system works will they leave? Have you ever seen an American run away to find a better life in Mexico? No! Sadly, it’s the other way round. Let’s look at it from this perspective, Nigeria as a country is blessed with energetic, talented, fearless, passionate and extremely intelligent young men and women, but like a coin it has two-sides. 

If these abilities are not properly utilized in the right way it will head to the wrong path. So the government has to play its role in putting a proper structure in place that will properly utilize the abilities of the young people to thrive and add value to the country, continent and the world at large. Today we’ve come out to creatively pass our message and we ask that everyone do the same until this insane act is totally eradicated. 

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