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Sunday 5 February 2017

Shocking New End Time Law Allows Rapists To Sue Victims Who Want An Abortion

A rapist will soon be able to sue his victim if she wants an abortion after a new law was passed in America! The shocking act could come into effect as early as this spring and will allow members of the rape victim’s own family to stop a termination by suing the abortion provider.

The Arkansas Act 45, which has been passed in the southern US state of the same name, does not include an exception clause for rape by a spouse or incest, meaning the foetus’s father could sue an abortion clinic, even if they have raped the woman.

Pro-choice supporters reacted with shock and disgust to the news.

Karen Musick, co-founder of Arkansas’s Abortion Support Network, told the Daily Beast: “There is zero part of me that understands why a rapist or someone who got someone pregnant against their will, maybe incest, would have any right in that decision.

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