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This is Treasure Mmesoma Ugwuanyi. A 5yrs old girl from Enugu, Nigeria.   She is also a hygiene activist. Her first book 'Three Smelly ...

Thursday 1 September 2016

Owner of Eko hotel banned from entering the U.S on the grounds of terrorism .

Mr. Gilbert Chagoury, Nigerian-Lebanese owner of popular Eko Hotel in Lagos has been refused entry into the united state according to new reports by the LA Time.
According to a report by Los Angeles Times, Chagoury had his visitor’s visa denied last summer under terrorism grounds. Chagoury, who is also a big donor to the Clinton Foundation and has a home in Beverly Hills, California, was denied the visa on grounds that he gave financial support to a Lebanese politician, Michael Aoun.
According to the report, Aoun’s party is in political coalition with Hezbollah, tagged a terrorist organisation by the US. Hezbollah terror tag stemmed from the double bombings in 1983, killing 63 at the U.S. embassy in Beirut and 241 at a Marine barracks later that year.

Following a WikiLeaks publication, Chagoury’s name has also been an issue in Hillary Clinton campaign for US presidency, with Donald Trump, among others, using his link with the Clinton Foundation to accuse the Clintons of offering favours to Chagoury.

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