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Sunday 18 December 2016

Aww! Loyal dog refused to abandon owner after he died during walk(pics/video)

A FAITHFUL dog refused to leave her owner’s side for five hours after he died during their evening walk.

Mistle the dog


Mistle – an 11-year-old springer spaniel – lay with the body of David Sparkes, 65, until he was found by police after being reported missing. 
The retired engineer had taken his pet for their daily walk along the River Severn at Holt Fleet, near Droitwich, Worcs, on September 14. 
When he did not return his family alerted police who found the body of Mr Sparkes – with Mistle by his side – at 1am the following morning. 
He had slipped while crossing a style, breaking three ribs, during the walk he had been doing for more than 20 years.
After his inquest his daughter Sally Brown, 37, from Droitwich, said: “Mistle stayed with him until the very end. She didn’t move even when the police found him. 
“It is a bit of comfort – at least the dog was with him. It doesn’t surprise me though. They were inseparable and had a very special bond. 
David Sparkes holding a fishSWNS
Mr Sparkes tragically slipped while crossing a style
“We are brokenhearted but so proud of Mistle. It just sums up their relationship. The next day she was so poorly because she missed dad so much. 
We are brokenhearted but so proud of Mistle
Daughter Sally Brown
“She just sat at the top of the garden and still looks for him now.” 
Mr Sparkes, was married to Hazel, 65, a retired carer, and had two children Gemma, 39, and Sally, and two grandchildren – Matthew, 11, and Christopher, nine.
Mistle, who they bought as a 10-week-old puppy, is now living with Hazel in Droitwich. 
Mistle the dogSWNS
The 11-year-old springer spaniel didn't even move once the police had arrived
She said: “They used to go on seven mile walks for hours at a time so on the night he went missing I wasn’t too concerned at first. 
“He left at 5pm, but it was dark by 9pm and that is when I started to worry and called police. 
“We just can’t believe he fell at a style he had crossed hundreds of times over the past 20 years.” 
An inquest at Worcestershire Coroner’s Court found that Mr Sparkes died as a result of an accident.

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